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Vlora Marina

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+355 69 801 4999

June 7, 2022

Vlora tourism through challenges and the necessity for a more international standard Marine

As in many countries around the world, tourism in Albania is considered as an important source of income and employment generation. In our country, tourism is undergoing a stabilized and qualitative progress. This also given the fact that Albania is strategically positioned to meet the market's demands, focusing on tourism in 365 days of the year. One of the cities that empowers it with all the potential it carries is the coastal city of Vlora, which for years has become an in- vogue destination thanks to its historical and cultural attractions. The city offers a large number of services, hotels and restaurants with the object of attracting as many local and foreign tourists as possible. However, one of the challenges of the development of the tourism sector in Albania and especially in Vlora, is the lack of a marine that meets the international parameters to welcome more and more foreign tourists who choose to visit our country with their yachts. The construction of a marine in Vlora would solve this impasse and bring a new boost to tourism. As reported by the head of the Vlora Marina project, Ervin Bacaj, this is a very important step not only for Vlora but also for the country. Bacaj explains that a new marine would develop the area, thanks to the endless possibilities of balancing the tourist offer and services, improving the standard of living, increasing employment in the tourism sector, increasing income from tourist services and mitigating the poverty in these areas. Building a marine with international parameters has a chain-effect impact on a greater level. Taking into account the best examples throughout the continent, a modern yacht port will be the gateway of our country for the most popular tourist itineraries. Likewise, as regards the project leader, this investment requires responsibility and a will to build on every parameter as well as to give the country another asset that will contribute to the tourism sector, currently the most important in our country.

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