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Rreth Nesh

Vlora Marina






Lajme & Evente


+355 69 801 4999

Lajme & Evente

Ansa: Vlora Marina, part of the “explosion” of tourism in the Adriatic

Agjencia italiane e lajmeve Ansa: Vlora Marina, pjesë e “shpërthimit” të turizmit në Adriatik

Agjencia italiane e lajmeve Ansa: Vlora Marina, pjesë e “shpërthimit” të turizmit në Adriatik

Një artikull i publikuar në agjencisë shtetërore italiane të lajmeve, ANSA i kushtonte vëmendje investimeve në rritje që po prekin të dy krahët e Detit Adriatik, ku nuk dilte jashtë vëmendjes edhe projekti më i ri në Shqipëri, ai i Portit të jahteve të Vlorës, ose siç njihet ndryshe, Vlora Marina, i cili edhe përse për nga gjeografia i përket detit Adriatik, ndodhet fare pranë, për të mos thënë në kufi, me Detin Jon, karakteristikë që e bën projektin edhe më të veçantë në krahasim me investime të tjera të ngjashme.

Mbi 416 milionë euro investime të nisura apo të planifikuara për infrastrukturën janë dedikuar për turizmin në detin Adriatik. Ky është vlerësimi për periudhën trevjeçare 2023-2025, sipas Risposte Turismo, një kompani italiane e specializuar në kërkimin dhe konsulencën e turizmit, dhe që ishte përfshirë në Raportin e Turizmit të Detit Adriatik, të paraqitur së fundmi në Dubrovnik nga Presidenti i kësaj sipërmarrje, Francesco di Cesare, siç citohej nga Ansa.
“One of the new projects is Vlora Marina in Albania (with 438 sailing posts also provided for the superyacht segment, which will be ready starting from 2025 thanks to a total investment of around 45 million euros)” – is mentioned in the article, where it is also mentioned that Albania has the largest increase in the Adriatic region, with 53.9% passengers more than a year ago, after Slovenia, which had a greater increase, and before Montenegro, Greece, or Italy, which are still well ahead in terms of the total number of visitors.
Sipas studimit, industria e kroçerave dhe në veçanti segmenti i trageteve do të jenë sektorët që do të përfitojnë më shumë nga investimet e reja në trevjeçarin e ardhshëm, për një shumë totale prej rreth 210 milionë eurosh.
Many other projects will expand existing structures, including the Polesana marina (138 new berths for a total investment of €20 million) and the Corfu marina (39 new berths for an investment of around €1.5 million). In Italy, about 100 new berths will be created, from 40 expected by the end of 2023 in the tourist port of Jesolo (Venice) to almost 50 that will be ready in 2024 in the tourist port of Rodi Garganico in the province of Foggia and another ten of the Brindisi Marina.
“The figures we published for all operators in this sixth edition of the Adriatic Sea Forum testify to the development of all marine tourism in the Adriatic, a sector that will soon return, into a powerful economic generator” – said Cesare, the head of the company that made this study.

Vlora Marina attracts architecture students of the Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel”

Vlora Marina tërheq studentët e arkitekturës së Universitetit Katolik “Zoja e Këshillit të Mirë”

Vlora Marina tërheq studentët e arkitekturës së Universitetit Katolik “Zoja e Këshillit të Mirë”

Vlora Marina mirëpriti një grup tjetër studentesh në një vizitë në kantier, këtë herë nga Fakulteti i Arkitekturës në Universitetin Katolik “Zoja e Këshillit të Mirë”. 24 arkitektë të ardhshëm vizituan projektin turistik në qytetin bregdetar si pjesë e iniciativës së programit B4Students për të prezantuar studentët nga afër me fushën që studiojnë. Vizita ishte një kombinim i vëzhgimit të punimeve në kantier dhe ndërveprimit me profesionistë të industrisë.
Të shoqëruar nga dekani i Fakultetit të Arkitekturës, Prof. Fabio Capanni, e pedagogë, grupi i studentëve u takua me Menaxherin e Projektit, Ervin Baçaj, i cili i njohu ata me një prezantim të shkurtër të zhvillimit të tij dhe rëndësisë për komunitetin.
Gjatë turit të tyre eksplorues dhe të mësuarit në mjediset e kantierit të marinës, studentët u njohën me ekipin e inxhinierëve dhe arkitektëve të cilët iu treguan rreth teknikave të ndërtimit për pjesën kompozitive dhe funksionale. Aspekte mbi projektimin, planifikimi i hapësirës dhe teknologjia e përdorur ishin disa nga çështjet që u diskutuan me Drejtuesin e Kantierit në projektin Vlora Marina, Klarens Mishon.

“Popujt përreth Mesdheut janë të ndryshëm, por në të njëjtën kohë ndajnë diçka me njeri-tjetrin. Deti ka qenë gjithmonë një mjet themelor komunikimi për të gjithë këta popuj ndaj, fakti që hapet një port turistik i tillë në Shqipëri është thelbësor sepse e integron vendin në një sistem më të gjerë komunikimi dhe gjithashtu në një pjesë të turizmit që ndoshta momentalisht nuk vjen këtu. Ky projekt do të ndikojë jo vetëm nga pikëpamja ekonomike por edhe nga pikëpamja kulturore,” u shpreh Dekani Fabio Cappani. Ai vlerësoi gjithashtu praktikat profesionale që ofron Grupi BALFIN nëpërmjet programit B4Students.

Menaxheri i projektit, Ervin Baçaj tha se:“Vlora Marina do të ketë në përbërje një grup aktivitetesh të cilat e bëjnë unik në llojin e saj. Ne jemi të hapur të ndajmë përvojën, risitë dhe sfidat e këtij projekti unik me profesionistët e ardhshëm të fushës, për t’i familjarizuar ata me industrinë.”

Vlora Marina është projektuar për t’u shndërruar në nyjen qendrore të zhvillimit të turizmit elitar në Shqipëri. Krahas vendeve të reja të punës që do vazhdojë të krijojë deri në operimin e plotë të saj, porti turistik pritet të kontribuojë mbi 20 milionë euro në vit në ekonominë e qytetit nga të ardhurat e portofolit të shërbimeve.

Why you should invest in a property near a Marina!

Pse duhet të investoni në një pronë pranë një Marine!

Pse duhet të investoni në një pronë pranë një Marine!

If you are looking for a good investment opportunity, a home to live or a fantastic vacation for the whole family, there is only something magical that can make this wish come true; buying a house by the sea!
The relaxing view as you watch the world go by while enjoying the luxurious comfort of your new home in Marina, is the best way to relax.
It is already a fact that living by the sea has a positive effect on human well-being.

Këto janë disa nga përfitimet kryesore të të jetuarit në marinë, afër detit, pranë gjithçkaje.

1. Sportet ujore dhe aktivitete të tjera

Të jetosh buzë detit do të thotë të notosh, të bësh banjo dielli dhe për më aventurierët; kayaking, vela dhe zhytje. Sapo siguruar një fundjavë argëtuese, të mbushur plot me aktivitete që në fund do t’ju dhurojnë një ndjesi të fortë lirie.

2. Pamje të pakrahasueshme me asgjë tjetër
One of the most attractive aspects that leads to the list of benefits is the breathtaking panoramas that they offer.
Imagine sitting on your veranda and a deep sense of calm passes through you as you are looking at the magnificent view of the sea in front of you.

3. Investim i shkëlqyer

Pavarësisht se ku ndodhet kompleksi rezidencial, pronat afër detit do të jenë gjithmonë të kërkuara. Ju mund të paguani më shumë për këto lloje të pronave, por kthimi me kalimin e kohës justifikon investimin. Nëse vendosni të merrni me qira pronën tuaj, mund të kërkoni qira më të lartë për shkak të vendndodhjes së saj buzë detit.
4. Ajri i pastër i detit

Të jetosh buzë detit do të thotë të marrësh përditë dozën e nevojshme për një jetë të gjatë e të shëndetshme. Ajri i detit do të mbushë mushkëritë tuaja duke ju bërë të ndiheni të rinj dhe të freskët gjatë gjithë kohës.

Vlora Marina, the project that is transforming elite tourism in Albania!

Vlora Marina, projekti që po transformon turizmin elitar në Shqipëri!

Vlora Marina, projekti që po transformon turizmin elitar në Shqipëri!

While all of Albania’s energy is oriented towards investments in the field of tourism, one of the projects that is receiving special attention is Vlora Marina, which is considered one of the most strategic in the development of elite tourism in the country.
Vlora Marina, which stands as a precious stone between two seas, the Adriatic and the Ionian, is predicted to be one of the largest in the Balkan region, turning into a competitive project in a global market. Vlora Marina was conceived to offer the best services with the highest quality and also to bring a new approach to hospitality, a sector still unconsolidated with the appropriate standards in Albania.
The increasing number of cruises that stops on Albanian shores, and the addition of a new direct flight line such as Ryanair with 18 destinations from Tirana to Europe, have led to a significant increase in foreign visitors in Albania.
The growing number of tourists is the main reason of all these elite investments are capable to offer premium services.
This new project has attracted the attention of foreign media. The Italian news agency ANSA described Vlora Marina as part of the explosion of tourism in the Adriatic. According to the study conducted by Risposte Turismo, an Italian company specializing in tourism research and consultancy, Albania has the largest increase in the Adriatic region, with 53.9% passengers more than a year ago, with a larger increase and ahead of Montenegro, Greece, or Italy.
According to the study, the cruise industry and in particular the ferry segment will be the sectors that will benefit the most from new investments in the next three years.
According to the official figures in the country, in the first 4 months of 2023, the number of passengers from cruises was 8% higher compared to the same period last year.
The economic development that this project will generate is expected to transform Vlora and Albania into one of the most competitive countries in the elite tourism industry, in the Balkan region and even wider throughout the Mediterranean.

According to the prediction, the implementation of this project will bring to the economy of Vlora a benefit of 4.3 million euros per year.
Located in one of the most strategic positions of the city, Vlora Marina brings for the first time in Albania a mixed urban development, completely authentic. In a world-class Marina with 438 berths, Premium apartments with exclusive sea views, and a well-known network of 5-star luxury hotel brands.

The lack of Albanian infrastructure in yacht berthing

Shqipëria mungesë infrastrukture në ankorimin e jahteve

Shqipëria mungesë infrastrukture në ankorimin e jahteve

Vlora Marina një domosdoshmëri për zhvillimin e turizmit.

Croatia and Montenegro are two of the region’s countries that register a large number of yachts berthed for the summer season. The neighboring country, Italy, also registers high numbers with visitors from all over the world who choose it as a destination . All these three countries are best-loved by tourists, not only for the historical heritage they have or for the coastline, but also for the proper infrastructure they have for berthing yachts, ranking them on the map of elite tourism.
Where is Albania positioned regarding this aspect?
During the summer season, in our country, random yachts anchor in the city of Vlora or Saranda using the current ports and choosing Albania only as a transitory plac. The lack of a port with all the right parameters for berthing yachts means that our country is not preferred for this type of tourism, even though what we offer on our coastline has the same parameters as that of neighboring countries.
According to Ervin Bacaj , the Project Manager of the new Vlora Marina port, investing in this directon is really important, not only to give another boost to country’s tourism, but also to turn it into elite tourism.
Bacaj emphasizes that Vlora has a long coastline, with beaches frequented not only by Albanians but also by foreign citizens, who choose Albania as a tourism destination during the season of summer. Thus, by accomplishing the appropriate infrastructure, more tourists from all over the world will join the country with their yachts with the intention to stay longer and not only as a transitory place.

Vlora Marina, the project that completes the infrastructure for a year-round tourism

Vlora Marina projekti që plotëson infrastrukturën për një turizëm gjatë gjithë vitit

Vlora Marina projekti që plotëson infrastrukturën për një turizëm gjatë gjithë vitit

Not simply the city of Vlora, but in general coastal tourism in our country
has a seasonal tourism which lasts mostly until October, depending on the climatic conditions. It is often discussed about a season that lasts throughout the year, but in order to have such tourism there is also a need for a proper infrastructure that
facilitates the movements of tourists who want to visit our coast as well as the addition of accommodation structures.

Vlora Marina is the project that aims to turn the city of Vlora into a center
not only seasonal but visitable all year round. With a marine for berthing yachts, with the promenade along the marine where various services meet the demands of visitors within all service standards. Vlora Marina is expected to fill what is missing in the country’s tourism. But with the new project, the visitors of the marine will also require other complementary services, and this is precisely why
there is a need for more hotel capacities.

According to tourist agencies, the city of Vlora continues to be attractive for both local and foreign tourists. Every year there are more requests for hotels from foreign tourists who prefer to visit our country attracted by the coast, natural beauty, history and local cuisine. By achieving this necessary infrastructure, such as the harbor for berthing yachts and meeting the accommodation requirements
within the standards, the city of Vlora, and not only, is intended to become a destination in the winter season as well.

Vlora Marina, the tourism project that will reshape country’s tourism

Vlora Marina, projekti turistik që do të transformojë turizmin në vend

Vlora Marina, projekti turistik që do të transformojë turizmin në vend

Vlora Marina is the latest tourism project that is expected to be added to the city of Vlora, with the main aim of bringing a reshape of tourism, not only in this area but throughout the whole country. What is this project about? Vlora Marina is organized into several main areas: The tourism port designed as a world-class Marina with 438 berths for yachts and mega yachts. Lungomare will be a promenade that will expand along the seaside uniting the existing promenade with the sandy beach and service units along the promenade with shops, bars, restaurants and various spaces for entertainment. Each of these areas consists of its own purpose, but combined together they form a destination that will offer customers a lively environment where they can choose between several amenities and services to enjoy with their friends or family.

In view of its strategic positioning, Vlora Marina will offer the possibility of exploring the Albanian coast to foreign tourists who will choose our country to visit. Until now, this alternative did not exist and this caused Albania to lack the chance of being on the map of destinations for this category of tourists. Soon, Vlora Marina will not only position country tourism in this perspective, but will also affect economic development.

Vlora Marina, a rendezvous to everyone

Vlora Marina, a rendezvous to everyone

Vlora Marina, një pikë takimi për të gjithë

Soon, a brand new urban development will be attached to the city of Vlora, a world – class
destination that integrates lifestyle with various services. Vlora Marina is the tourism port which
will redefine not only tourism in this city but also in the country, giving Albania a key role on the
map of elite tourism.
Vlora Marina is conceptualised as a marine where yachts will be located in our country, with the
intention of exploring the untouched beauties of the Adriatic and Ionian coast.
The newest project does not only consist of the marine, but it also includes a promenade along it,
hotels, numerous service units, parks and the Plazza. Considering its unique location by the sea,
this stunning development sets a new standard by offering customers a vibrant environment
where they can choose from several amenities and services to enjoy with their friends or family.
This is a destination for every season, as interesting and meaningful as the most famous similar
projects in Europe with a surprising range of possibilities already in the heart of the
Mediterranean Sea. Thanks to its strategic positioning, Vlora Marina will offer many different
options for exploring the Albanian coast, opening up endless opportunities both in terms of
tourism development and the impact it will have on the Albanian economy.

Vlora Marina, the tourism project that will reshape country’s tourism

Vlora Marina, një port turistik i munguar për qytetin

Vlora Marina, një port turistik i munguar për qytetin

You can enjoy the city of Vlora both during the summer, but also during the winter season.
Vlora Marina, the new tourism port is expected to rank it in the list of tourist cities along the
year. The most challenging venture in itself, promises a large modern marine, where tourist
vessels, from yachts and megayachts , will be berthed. According to Ervin Bacaj, who
manages this project, the Marine will have international standards, but the real innovation will
be the diverse services that will be offered in the premises regardless of the seasons. In Vlora
Marina, there will also be spaces for cultural and artistic activities in every period, and its
functionality will be intertwined with the development of the area.

"Citizens will have the opportunity to stop at the Marine, and furthermore, go with a specific
goal and become part of the events that are organized there. Services such as bars and
restaurants, but also all others, will be available throughout the year to anyone who frequents
the south coast" – says the Project Manager.

According to Ervin Bacaj, this tourism port will be at the same level as the marines in
Europe’s different countries and those in the neighboring countries. Everything is feasible if
we consider that the total value of the investment will be ALL 2.8 billion, spread over three to
four years, while the income it will bring to the city's economy when it starts operating will be

Vlora Marina, not only a modern marina but also increasing employment

Vlora Marina, jo vetëm një marinë moderne por edhe vende të reja pune

Vlora Marina, jo vetëm një marinë moderne por edhe vende të reja pune

About 20 million Euros of income per year are expected to be added to Vlora economy, thanks to the marine that this city will soon have. Vlora Marina is the project that will replace the industrial port and fundamentally change this reality.

The designers have stipulated a capacity of about 450 berths while the country’s Prime Minister has promised a modern marine which will have world class standards. Yachts and mega-yachts, ships and cruises will be berthed there in accordance with world practices, besides the variety of support services, such as hotel, bar and restaurant, gastronomy, gym and of course the beach, which will be offered to
conclude the experience of tourists who will choose Vlora for vacation. Also, all this investment will interpret into increased employment and income for the area. Currently, the industrial port of Vlora is in a poor condition, with backward infrastructure and minimal people and goods volume traffic. Its existing condition has turned into an obstacle for the use of the full tourism potential of our coast. While with the latest investment, Vlora Marina will soon become the gateway to
our country for the most popular tourist itineraries, placing Albania on the map of elite tourism.

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